The A-Team, Season 1 en streaming

The A-Team, Season 1

The A-Team, Season 1 en streaming

  • Genre: Drame
  • Date: 2006-01-24
  • Vote: Tout public
  • Episodes: 14

Description :

Cette page vous donne accès à la version anglaise de cette série TV. Vous pouvez accéder à l a version en français en effectuant la recherche L'Agence tous risques dans l'iTunes Store. Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith is the leader of a rag-tag group of Vietnam veterans, who were a finely-trained espionage team during the war. Ten years later, they are on the run, dodging authorities who believe their last mission—robbing the Bank of Hanoi—was unauthorized. Hooked on the "jazz" of their high-risk escapades, they now occasionally surface and regroup to handle assignments that interest them—if the price is right. This smash-hit action-adventure series was one of the most popular shows of the 1980s. A non-stop demolition derby of high octane fun, this infectious series successfully printed Mr. T's name in the pop-culture lexicon. I pity da fool that doesn't love this show!

The A-Team, Season 1 en streaming
